Manta Play Style



The Foundress can rapidly generate new soldiers and builders. They must travel from her Hive to the front lines, with only limited Skitterer growth possible at remote structures.



Soldiers are offensive or defensive in bent, depending how they are upgraded from Skitterers. As long as the Foundress continues rapid generation, their expansion can be hard to stop.



Builders are responsible for the construction of all structures, and are upgradable through three tiers to increase their strength and efficiency. Aside from the Foundress’s Hive, no structures are upgradable.

Resources are gathered from independent Masium and Quixon structures, or by builders. 



Soldiers make advances that unlock higher level soldiers. Builders make advances that unlock higher level structures. Psyrellex can be grown once the hive has been upgraded to an Aerie.

Manta Unique Elements


Deadly infiltrators capable of circumventing an enemy’s defensive counterattacks.

Sphecidae Concustio

A heavily armored defender that is incapable of movement or action, except in unleashing powerful self defense. A unique way to fortify any position.

Vespidae Infestus

A deadly soldier that makes a crushing, suicidal assault on a single target, fighting until its death.

Asteroid Fundibalum

A structure capable of hurling asteroids at long range targets, causing massive damage… If they hit the mark.

Dig In

Soldiers can gain full tactical advantage in a single action.


Regenerate a portion of missing hit points at the end of your turn.

Manta Technology Tree